
Pawar Multispeciality Hospital & Diagnostic Center Pvt. Ltd Dhankawadi Pune - 411043. 

Hydrocele Surgery

Hydrocele Surgery


The dedicated Pawar Multispeciality Hospital is one of the best hospitals in Pune for Hydrocele Surgery. The hospital conducts various Hydrocele Surgeries.

What is hydrocele?

Hydrocele is a pool of fluid around the testicle and is usually harmless. But if it's large enough, it can cause pain or pressure. Though men can form a hydrocele after injury, the majority of men with hydroceles have no obvious trauma or known cause.

What are the symptoms of hydrocele in baby boys?

A hydrocele doesn’t hurt. The only symptom you’ll notice is that one or both of your son’s testicles look swollen. Even if he’s not in pain, you should see the pediatrician to make sure he doesn’t have other health problems that are causing the swelling, such as an infection, a tumor, or a hernia.

The swelling from a noncommunicating hydrocele doesn’t change in size. A communicating hydrocele can get bigger during the day, and if you gently squeeze it, the fluid will move out of the scrotum and into his belly.

How is a Hydrocele Treated?

If a hydrocele is very large or painful, surgery can usually correct it. Injecting a special material through the scrotal wall can sometimes fix hydroceles without surgery.

What is the surgery for Hydrocele?

A hydrocelectomy is a surgical procedure to repair a hydrocele, which is a buildup of fluid around a testicle. Often a hydrocele will resolve itself without treatment. However, as a hydrocele grows larger, it can cause swelling, pain, and discomfort in the scrotum and may need surgical repair.

What causes a hydrocele in adults?

Hydroceles can also form later in life, mostly in men over 40. This usually occurs if the channel through which the testicles descend hadn't closed all the way and fluid now enters, or the channel reopens. ... Hydroceles can also be caused by inflammation or injury in the scrotum or along the channel.

Diagnosis of Hydroceles

The two types of hydroceles are noncommunicating and communicating.

To diagnose a hydrocele, your doctor will perform a physical exam. If you have a hydrocele, your scrotum will be swollen, but you won’t have any pain. Your doctor won’t be able to feel your testicle well through the fluid-filled sac.

Your doctor may check for tenderness in the scrotum and shine a light through the scrotum. This is called transillumination. It allows your doctor to determine if there’s fluid in the scrotum. If fluid is present, the scrotum will allow light transmission and the scrotum will appear to light up with the light passing through. However, if scrotal swelling is due to a solid mass (cancer), then the light will not shine through the scrotum. This test does not provide a definite diagnosis but can be very helpful.

Your doctor may also apply pressure to the abdomen to check for another condition called inguinal hernia; your doctor may also ask you to cough or bear down to check for this. This can occur when part of the small intestine protrudes through the groin due to a weak point in the abdominal wall. While it’s usually not life-threatening, a doctor may recommend surgery to repair it.

They may take a blood or urine sample to test for infections. Less commonly, your doctor may administer an ultrasound to check for hernias, tumors, or any other cause of scrotal swelling.

Types of hydroceles


The two types of hydroceles are noncommunicating and communicating.


A noncommunicating hydrocele occurs when the sac closes, but your body doesn’t absorb the fluid. The remaining fluid is typically absorbed into the body within a year.


A communicating hydrocele occurs when the sac surrounding your testicle doesn’t close all the way. This allows fluid to flow in and out.

How to treat a hydrocele

If your new infant has a hydrocele, it will probably go away on its own in about a year. If your child’s hydrocele doesn’t go away on its own or becomes very large, he might need surgery by a urologist.

In adults, hydroceles typically go away within six months, according to the Mayo Clinic. A hydrocele usually only needs surgery if it causes discomfort or if it’s a communicating hydrocele, which can lead to hernias.


Surgery to remove a hydrocele is performed under anesthesia. In most cases, you’ll be able to go home within a few hours of the surgery.

A small cut is made in the abdomen or scrotum (depending on the location of the hydrocele) and the hydrocele is surgically removed. Your surgeon will most likely apply a large dressing to the site of your incision. Depending on the location and size, you may also need a drainage tube for a few days.

Risks associated with anesthesia include:

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Breathing Difficulties
  • Heart Rhythm Disturbances

Risks associated with this procedure include:

  • Blood clots or excessive bleeding
  • Scrotal injury, including nerve damage
  • Infection

Ice packs, a support strap for your scrotum, and plenty of rest will ease discomfort after the surgery. Your healthcare provider will likely recommend a checkup exam because a hydrocele can sometimes reoccur.

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